About us

Ecoagri Biagi s.a.s.

Transport for hire-and-reward of liquids, bulk materials, equipment, demount bodies, waste from the agricultural sector and more.

Ecoagri Biagi sas was founded in July 2023, as a branch of the “historical” Società Agricola Biagi Romeo, which has been operative since 1972.
Ecoagri Biagi is set up following a business need and multiple demands for different types of transport in the agricultural sector.

Davide Biagi

Davide Biagi


Let me introduce myself. I was born in 1986, I am a member of the Società Agricola Biagi Romeo s.s. and founder and owner of Ecoagri Biagi s.a.s.
My grandparents first, my parents and my uncles later passed on to me their passion and commitment for their job, which grew my desire, dedication and professionalism in such a business. I started to give them a hand in the farm when i was just 6\7 years old. then when i turned 10 i learned how to drive agricultural vehicles.  after getting a high school agricultural diploma I started working full time in the company.


Transport of liquid materials

We can transport any liquid material for different uses and to different destinations, except food items. We can suck liquids in different ways: by means of a robot’s arm directly from a tank and also through side outlets and various pipes.

Transport of bales

We can transport any kind of bales, including wrapped ones, from the field to the storage point as well as from one storage point to another. We transport bales on highways as well.

Trasporto balloni

Trasporto di balloni di qualsiasi tipo, anche fasciati. Trasporto sia dal campo al punto di stoccaggio sia da un punto di stoccaggio ad un altro. Trasportiamo i balloni anche transitando in autostrada.

Transport of bulk goods

Transport of all types of unpackaged goods that, for any reason, can neither be packaged nor placed on pallets.

Transport of equipment

Transport of any machine, tool and\or material. It is carried out by lowering the vehicle’s floor in order to simplify loading and unloading operations.

Trasporto attrezzatura

Trasporto di qualsiasi macchina e\o attrezzo e\o materiale. Il trasporto viene effettuato con un pianale ribassato per facilitare il carico e lo scarico della merce.